How to Copy a Floppy Disk in Windows 95/98/Me
Insert the floppy disk that you want to copy into the floppy drive,
and have a formatted blank disk ready.
1. Double left click on the My Computer , (you will find it in the
upper left hand corner of desktop).
2. Right click on the for the 3 1/2 floppy A:
3. Click on Copy Disk in the small menu window that popped up..
4. Click on the Start button.
5. When the blue line gets about half way...
6. A request window will appear.
7. Take out the original disk as requested and put the blank disk in.
8. Click the OK button in the request window.
9. Wait for the blue line to finish.
10. Click on the Close button.
You now have a copy of your original disk.
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