How to Cut and Paste in Brother Geobook:
First Let me give you my advice on the act of creating a text document.
Every new document has no spaces and no carriage returns. That means that
the down arrow key doesn't do anything when you first start a new document
The first thing I do when I start a new document is to hit the ENTER Key
4 or 5 times in a row, then hit the up arrow and stop on the 2nd line
from the top. As we begin typing now we have a blank line above and a
blank line below. Lets say we have typed about 3/4 of a line of text and
we see a mistake in the middle we want to correct right now. First we
use the left arrow key to get the misspelling, make the change, and now
the cursor is in the middle of the line and we're in the middle of a thought
and we don't want to have to wait before we can start typing again. Now
because of what we did in the beginning (the extra carnage returns) we
are just 2 keystrokes away from the end of the line. Down arrow will bring
the cursor to the beginning of the blank line below. Left arrow will put
the cursor at the end of the line before it. This puts us right where
we want to be to resume typing where we left off. When we highlight text
we can see the spaces. This lets us know where we can move the cursor.
And moving the cursor is what changes typing into word processing.
I have written the cut and paste tutorial several times before but for
one reason or another the data has become lost. So lets give it a go one
more time.
Cut and paste is probably the most fundamental part of word processing.
The first and most important part of the cut and paste process is highlighting
the text. Now there are two basic ways to highlight text. The first and
easiest is to use the keyboard. The other way is to use the Glide Pad
(or mouse) this takes practice.
To highlight (or select) text with the keyboard we first need some text.
You can load a document you have typed before or you can type just a few
sample lines. Now we need to put the cursor at the beginning of the text
we want to highlight. Then while HOLDING DOWN the Shift key use the RIGHT
ARROW KEY to highlight the text you want to copy. (I will explain how
to highlight text with the Glide Pad later in this text.)
Now that we have text selected, we want to copy it. Hit the F7 (copy)
key at on the top row of your keyboard. Now move your cursor to a blank
line in your document and press the F8 (paste) key at the top of the keyboard.
That's it! We have just done a Cut and Paste.
Now that we have done the simplest and most basic cut and paste there
is still more we can learn right now. Hit the F8 key again. Now we have
2 new copies of our previously selected text. Now lets move the cursor
to some middle spot in the text. We just use the arrow keys to move the
cursor where we want to be, and hit the F8 key again. This inserts the
text into the middle of our document.
If you are having trouble understand anything so far, just repeat what
we have done so far. This, like anything else, takes practice. You can
write a novel with just the Cut and Past techniques I have just illustrated.
The next part is just 'nice to know' stuff.
Highlighting text with the glide pad is more physically difficult to do.
It is much easier with a mouse but the same principles apply with both.
First we move the cursor to the beginning of the text we want to highlight
(somewhere in the middle). Then we hold down the large rectangular button
beneath the glide pad (or the LEFT mouse button) then Drag the pointer
to the end of the desired text, then let go of the button.
The text is now highlighted. We can hit the F7 (copy) key to copy the
text or we can just type and we will replace the highlighted text.