One - The Christmas Story House Paper Model Instructions
I want to
take a moment to talk about a new feature that I have designed to
make scaling paper models a lot easier.

The 1 Inch scale seal

The HO scale seal.
I use these seals to verify that every page is printed with Page
Scaling set to None. So when you print
out the pages you can measure the seal. If it is one inch square,
then the model will be 1:60 or 1:87 (HO) scale. This is very handy
if you have to replace a piece and print a page at a different time
or on a different printer. As long as the seal is 1 inch square,
then the new page will match the rest of your model. If for some
reason you print using shrink to fit or some other resizing, then
as long as all of the seals are the same size as each other, then
the paper model pieces will fit together.
Key Image

This image shows all of the fold and cut lines for the paper model.
Modeling Tip: It is always a good idea to score all of the fold
lines before cutting out the house.

Page 8 of the paper model PDF file has a condensed version of the
I always use a wet PVA glue like Elmers.

After cutting out each piece, fold and put a dot of glue on the
gray areas. I use modified clothespin to hold the glue spots together
until they dry.

When the glue is dry, then glue the long tabs of the four walls
of the house together. After the long tabs are dry, then I glue
the gray tabs together. I use LEGOs to help form and hold a 90°

The roof is next. Line up the bottom corners of the 2 roof sections.
The roof of this house is two tiers. The roof on the front of the
house sits a little bit higher than the back.

Look closely at the circled area in this picture to see the unique
way to front and back roof parts meet.

Once the two parts of the roof is dry, I cover all the tabs on top
of the house with glue and apply the whole roof at once. It never
lines up perfectly so I slide it into place a little at a time all
the way around, again and again.

Once the roof on the house is securely in place, it's time to
put the porch roof on.

I put glue on all the tabs on of the porch roof all at once. Then
I position the porch roof in place and work it in place according
to the outline.

I hold each
tab for several seconds and then move to the next one, working my
way back and forth until the glue is set.
with part two of the instructions for the Christmas Story house
free paper model.